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What are we doing about COVID-19?

With the recent developments of COVID-19, we feel it is important to communicate the steps that Lynchburg Organic Cleaning is taking to assist our clients in maintaining a clean and healthy environment in their homes. 

Below are the steps we were already taking, as well as the additional steps we have added during this season to keep your family and our staff safe:

  • NEW - Restroom & Kitchen cleaning using a Hypochlorous Acid based cleaner that is safe for use on all non porous surfaces. This formula combines Salt, Vinegar and Electrolyzed water to clean, deodorize, degrease and sanitize any water-safe surface. It has a light pool water scent and is part of the “Green” line of products we already use making it safe for use around people and animals. 

  • NEW – Our staff will be wearing “indoor only” cleaning Crocs in client homes, which are to be disinfected before entering and exiting each home, so they are prepared for the next home.  We do NOT wear shoe covers, as they are not a good germ barrier, and are a safety hazard for slip and fall accidents for our staff to wear while cleaning. We have found that crocs are easy to disinfect. 

  • Equipment & Supplies – While we have always been careful to not set equipment on counters & to keep it clean, we have added the additional measure that we will be cleaning the caddies and vacuum bases with disinfectant before and after each home is cleaned. 

  • LOC Team Members have always worn gloves while cleaning and change them as needed.  We also have disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizer in our vehicles, so that your cleaning technicians can sanitize their hands between homes as needed, in addition to normal hand washing practices.

  • We have modified our policies during this time to encourage team members to stay at home, if they exhibit any symptoms of the virus. Since our teams meet at the office each morning, we check temperature of every team member to make sure they are well, and we will send them home if they are not. 

*NOTE: We are not currently equipped at this time to clean, sanitize or disinfect any homes or buildings that have positive COVID-19 cases within the last 30 days. 

Our main goal and vision during this time is to honor our commitment to provide a fun and safe work environment for our cleaning team members. Likewise, we want to provide a clean, sanitary and peaceful home environment for our clients. To do this, we ask that if any clients have a household member who is exhibiting flu like symptoms, please notify our office immediately, so we can reschedule cleanings until after they are well. 


With all this being said, we would like to avoid unnecessary cancellations to allow our team members to keep their normal work schedules and paychecks. Their employment with our company provides for their housing, food, car and various bills. We love our team members, as many of you do as well, so we will continue doing everything in our power to keep them safe, healthy, happy and confident as they serve our clients and their own families during these times. 


Please feel free to contact our office, if you have any questions or concerns about this information.   

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